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High Capacity Thermostatic Radiator Valves with T104 Actuators provide control of temperature by modulating the flow of hot water or steam through free-standing radiators, convectors and other heating units with high capacity requirements.
Straight Pattern 1/2 in. Valve-High Cap.
This product is available in the US only.
Straight Pattern 3/4 in. Valve-High Cap.
Straight Pattern 1 in. Valve-High Cap.
Straight Ptrn 1-1/4 in. Valve-High Cap.
Angle Pattern 1/2 in. Valve-High Cap.
Angle Pattern 3/4 in. Valve-High Cap.
Angle Pattern 1 in. Valve-High Capacity
Angle Pattern 1-1/4 in. Valve-High Cap.
Horizontal Angle Pattern 1/2 in. Valve for High Capacity Radiator
Horizontal Angle Pattern 3/4 in. Valve for High Capacity Radiator