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Low limit Aquastat Controller for residential combustion
This product is no longer available for purchase.
Aquastat® Controllers are immersion type devices for limiting or regulating the temperature of liquids in boilers, storage tanks, and other applications where temperature control is required.
Wiring-Typical oil-fired gravity system
Wiring-Typical systems with 120 volt electric heat primaries
Wiring-Typical Powerpile System wiring diagram
Wiring-Typical oil-fired hydronic heating system
Wiring-Typical gas-fired system with domestic hot water
Wiring-Operation of L6008G
Wiring-Operation of L4008L
Wiring-L6008A used to control cooling equipment and indicating light.
Wiring-Typical wiring hookup
Wiring-Typical connection diagram for an oil fired hydronic heating system
Wiring-Typical oil-fired hydronic system with domestic hot water.
Dimension-Approximate immersion well dimensions in in. (mm) for all models except L4006C a
Dimension-Approximate boiler fitting and bulb dimensions in in. (mm) for L4006C and L6006B
Dimension-Approximate installation dimensions in in. (mm) for remote bulb models
Dimension-Approximate case installation dimensions in in. (mm) for direct insertion models
Dimension-Approximate installation dimensions in in. (mm) for surface mount models.
Dimension-Remote Bulb Controller
Product Data and Specifications-Product Data for L4006,7,8; L6006,7,8 Aquastat® Controllers (English)
Maintenance/Product Reference Materials-Residential Combustion Application Selection and Cross-Reference Guide (English)
Product Data and Specifications-Product Data for L6008A, L6008C Aquastat Controllers Multilingual (English, French, German, Italian, Dutch)