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AirBRIGHT 2 Ultraviolet Air Purifier
This product is available in the US only.
The Honeywell Home 24V Ultraviolet Air Purifier with AirBRIGHT™ Odor Absorption uses ultraviolet light to help clear the air. This system not only opens the door to providing cleaner air for your customers, it helps get rid of odors and can also set the stage for selling additional indoor air quality (IAQ) products and controls. Homeowners will appreciate the fact that this similar type of light has been used by hospitals and restaurants for years to help disinfect and prevent the spread of germs. Now you can offer customers similarly safe and trusted technology
Sales/Promotional Materials-Tri-fold Brochure for Ultraviolet Treatment System (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Sell Sheet for 24V Ultraviolet Air Purifier (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Homeowners Brochure for Ultraviolet Air Treatment Systems (English)
Installation Materials-UV2400U2000 AirBRIGHT® 2 Ultraviolet Air Purifier Installation Instructions (English, French, Spanish)
Replacement Lamp for UV2400U2000