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Replacement cartridge for VC series 3-way valves with linear flow
This product is available in the US only.
The cartridges used in VC-Series valves determine the Cv(kv) rating and flow of a valve body and can be replaced to match original factory specifications. 1000-series cartridges fit all 2-way VC bodies. 6000-series cartridges fit all 3-way VC bodies.
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for VCZZ, VCZA, VCZB, VCZM, VCZN Cartridge Valves used with VC Series Actuators (English)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for VCZA,B,M,N Series Cartridge Valve for Use with VC Series (English)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for VCZZ, VCZA, VCZB, VCZM, VCZN Replacement Cartridges for 2- and 3-Way VC Valves (English)
Installation Materials-VC1000, VC6000 Series REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES FOR 2-WAY & 3-WAY VC VALVES Installation Instructions (English)