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Single Stage, 24 Vac, Slow Opening, Direct Ignition Gas Valve. 1/2 x 1/2". Set 3.5" WC
Combination gas controls for use with hot surface/direct spark systems in 24 Vac, gas-fired appliances with capacities from 30 to 415 cfh. The VR8215 valve can be mounted in any orientation and the reduced installation turning radius makes it much easier to install.
Sales/Promotional Materials-Sell Sheet for VR8215 Direct Ignition Gas Valves (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Homes and Residential Combustion 2014 Heating Season New Products and Promotions
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for VR8215S,T Single Stage / VR8215Q,N Two Stage Direct Ignition Gas Controls (English) - Legacy Prod
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for VR8215S,T Direct Ignition Combination Gas Controls (English, French)