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Circulator Aquastat® controller operates at 100 F to 240 F
Aquastat® Controllers from Resideo are immersion type devices for limiting or regulating the temperature of liquids in boilers, storage tanks, and other applications where temperature control is required. L4006 are used in applications that utilize the existing wells
Sales/Promotional Materials-Resideo Hydronic Heating Solutions Brochure (French)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Resideo Hydronic Heating Solutions Brochure (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Cross Reference Guide for Residential Combustion Heating and Cooling Parts (English)
Wiring-Typical oil-fired gravity system
Wiring-Typical systems with 120 volt electric heat primaries
Wiring-Typical oil-fired hydronic heating system
Wiring-Typical gas-fired system with domestic hot water
Wiring-Operation of L6008G
Wiring-Operation of L4008L
Wiring-L6008A used to control cooling equipment and indicating light.
Wiring-Typical wiring hookup
Wiring-Typical connection diagram for an oil fired hydronic heating system
Wiring-Typical oil-fired hydronic system with domestic hot water.
Wiring-Oil & Hydronic Training
Dimension-Approximate immersion well dimensions in in. (mm) for all models except L4006C a
Dimension-Approximate boiler fitting and bulb dimensions in in. (mm) for L4006C and L6006B
Dimension-Approximate installation dimensions in in. (mm) for remote bulb models
Dimension-Approximate case installation dimensions in in. (mm) for direct insertion models
Dimension-Approximate installation dimensions in in. (mm) for surface mount models.
Dimension-Aquastat(r) Controller
Product Data and Specifications-Product Data for L4006,7,8; L6006,7,8 Aquastat® Controllers (English)
Installation Materials-Installation Instruections for L4006, L4007 Aquastat Controllers (English, French)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for L4006 L4006A, L4006B, L4006E, L4006H, Regulateurs Aquastat (French)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for L4006 L4006A, L4006B, L4006E, L4006H Aquastat Controllers (English)
Maintenance/Product Reference Materials-Residential Combustion Application Selection and Cross-Reference Guide (English)