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18 inch Thermocouple provides 30 mV output
This product is available in the US only.
The Q340A thermocouples sense the pilot flame on standing pilot gas-fired heating systems. The pilot flame heats the tip of the thermocouple, producing a temperature differential between it and the base to generate 30 millivolts.
Sales/Promotional Materials-Residential Combustion Gas Controls Quick Reference Guide (laminated)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Sell Sheet for Q340A and Q390A Thermocouples (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Residential Combustion Product Restocking Notepad (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Cross Reference Guide for Residential Combustion Heating and Cooling Parts (English)
Product Data and Specifications-Product Data for Q309, Q313, Q335, Q340, Q390 Thermocouples and Thermopile Generators (English)
Maintenance/Product Reference Materials-Residential Combustion Application Selection and Cross-Reference Guide (English)
Installation Materials-Thermocouple Sticker (English)
Maintenance/Product Reference Materials-Thermocouple Quality