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Elec. Heat Thermostat, White - Baseboard
This product is available in the US only.
Economy thermostats that provide reliable line voltage control of resistive rated electric heating equipment. Snap-action switch makes heating circuit on temperature fall.
Wiring-Typical hookup for electric heat thermostat for dpst switching models
Wiring-Typical hookup for electric heat thermostat for spst switching models
Installation Materials-INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACIÓN - Termostatos de calefacción eléctrica de voltaje de línea T410A, B (Spanish)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for T410A,B Line Voltage Electric Heat Thermostats (English)
Product Data and Specifications-Product Data for T410A, T410B Electric Heat Thermostats (English, French)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for 272804A RANGE STOP AND COVER LOCKING ASSEMBLY FOR RESIDEO ELECTRIC HEATING THERMOSTATS (English)
Range Stop and Locking Screws Assembly