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Thermostat, Round™, Mercury Free, Manual
This product is available in the US only.
The Round® thermostats provide electronic control of 24Vac heating and cooling systems with the classic twist to set dial.
Sales/Promotional Materials-Connected and Non-Connected Thermostat Counter Mat (English)
Product Selections/Comparisons-Selection Guide US Electrical Distribution Channel (English)
Operator/Owner Materials-Owner's Manual for T87N Easy-To-See™ The Round® Non-Programmable Thermostat (English, French, Spanish)
Operator/Owner Materials-Owners Manual for T87N, T87K Round Non-Programmable Thermostat (English, French, Spanish)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for Decorative Cover Plate for T8775, T87K, or T87N Thermostat (English, French, Spanish)
Range stop assembly with range stops for degree F and C
Decorative Cover Plate for T8775, T87K,N