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A family of metal thermowells allowing temperature sensing in pressurized vessels. Various insertion and spud diameters and lengths.
Copper Well Assembly, 3 in, 1/2 NPT, 3/8 in internal, 1 1/2 in insulation depth, includes mounting clamp
Well clamp assm. w/clamp capillary, Unit
Copper Well Assembly, 3 in, 3/4 NPT, 3/8 in internal, 1-1/2 in insulation depth, includes mounting clamp
Copper NPT well assembly with 3/8 in. bulb size. Includes mounting clamp.
This product is available in the US only.
Copper well assembly with mounting clamp, 3/8 in. x 3 in. bulb size
1/2 in. NPT copper well assembly with 3/8 in. bulb size
1/2 in NPT copper well assembly with 3/8 in. bulb size
3/4 in. NPT pipe size, copper well assembly with 3/8 in. bulb
3/4 in. NPT copper well assembly with 3/8 in. bulb size