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Thermostatic Radiator Valves and Operators automatically control individual room temperatures, in low pressure steam and hot water heating systems, to provide substantial energy savings. Available in electric or non-electric configurations.
Compact Thermostatic Radiator Valve Head with Closed Design and HIgh Energy Efficiency
High Capacity Thermostatic Radiator Valves with T104 Actuators provide control of temperature by modulating the flow of hot water or steam through free-standing radiators, convectors and other heating units with high capacity requirements.
Thermostatic Mixing or Diverting Valves for use in hydronic heating systems as a three-way mixing or diverting valve; controls loop temperature in radiant heating systems.
One-Pipe Steam Thermostatic Radiator Valves - Allow automatic temperature control in one-pipe steam or hot water systems for free standing radiators, convectors and other heating units with standard capacity requirements.
TheraPro HR90 from Resideo is an electronic radiator controller with a modern design and provides features for convenience and energy saving. It is used as stand-alone controller for radiator heating control applications.
A Radiator Thermostat is installed onto a Thermostatic Radiator Valve Body (TRV body). The combination of both, the Thermostatic Radiator Valve (TRV), controls the room temperature by adjusting the flow of hot water through a radiator.
For use in hydronic heating systems with V135 Valves in a three-way mixing or diverting application. Controls loop temperature in radiant heating systems.
Allow automatic temperature control in two-pipe steam or hot water systems for free standing radiators, convectors, and other heating units with standard capacity requirements. Provide comfort and energy savings at affordable prices.
Provide precise and automatic control of room temperature in two-pipe systems by modulating the flow of hot water or steam through free-standing radiators, convectors and other heating units with high capacity requirements.
The MT110 Valve Cartridge Changing Tool enables the user to remove, and clean or replace the valve cartridge while the valve remains pressurized. Boiler shutdown is not required.