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10 in. TrueZONE Bypass replacement regulator
The TrueZONE® Bypass constant pressure regulating damper (CPRD) is a round static pressure relief damper. It is used in forced-air bypass applications to relieve excess static pressure when some of the zone dampers are closed.
Sales/Promotional Materials-Zoning Products Catalog (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Sell Sheet for CPRD TrueZONE Bypass (English)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for the CPRD TrueZONE® Bypass Damper (English, French, Spanish)
Maintenance/Product Reference Materials-Title 24 Zoning for homeowners Range Stop Settings (English)
Maintenance/Product Reference Materials-Title 24 Zoning for homeowners Redirected Air (English)
Maintenance/Product Reference Materials-Zoning System Design Manual (English)