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T6 Pro Programmable Thermostat with stages up to 2 Heat/1 Cool Heat Pumps or 1 Heat/1 Cool Conventional Systems
The T Series programmable thermostat streamlines everything from product selection and installation to customer service and support. With a standard footprint and simple interface, the T Series will enhance the entire thermostat experience for you and your customers alike.
Sales/Promotional Materials-Connected and Non-Connected Thermostat Counter Mat (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-The Honeywell T Series (tri-fold) brochure (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-The Honeywell T Series (tri-fold) french brochure (French)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Sell Sheet for the T Series Thermostats (French)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Introducing The New Standard for Simple (T Series) sell sheet (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Programmable and Non-Programmable Thermostat Selection Guide (French)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Honeyowell Home T Series - Introducing the New Standard for Simple Connectivity (french) sell sheet
Sales/Promotional Materials-Brochure for T6 Pro Smart Thermostats (English)
Operator/Owner Materials-User Manual for T6 Pro (TH6320U2008, TH6220U2000, TH6210U2001) Programmable Thermostat (English, French, Spanish)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for T6 Pro Programmable Thermostat (English, French, Spanish)
Product Data and Specifications-Submittal Sheet for T6 Pro Series Thermostats (English)
Installation Materials-Addendum for T6 PRO Wiring Diagrams (English)
Large Cover Plate & J-Box Adaptor for T-Series Thermostats
Medium Cover Plate & J-Box Adaptor for T1, T4, & T6 series thermostats
UWP mounting system for T-Series thermostats (Orderable in packs of 30)
Coverplate assembly for use with the T6 Smart Pro, T6 Pro, T4 Pro, and T1 Pro thermostats
Large univ. thermostat guard Clear cover
Large univ. thermostat guard Beige cover