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6 in. x 16 in. Parallel Blade Damper
The ZD is a power close and spring open damper. It has a 24-volt motor used to control circulating air in HVAC systems and used when a normally-open damper is required. The ZD is typically used with the TrueZONE and other electronic zoning systems.
Sales/Promotional Materials-Sell sheet for the ARDTZ and ZDTZ TrueZONE Dampers (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Zoning Products Catalog (English)
Maintenance/Product Reference Materials-Zoning System Design Manual (English)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for ARDTZ, EARDTZ, and ZDTZ TrueZONE Series Dampers (English)
Installation Materials-Quick Start Guide for ARDTZ, EARDTZ, ZDTZ TrueZONE Damper Assemblies (English, French, Spanish)
Product Data and Specifications-Submittal Sheet for ZD Series Damper (English)