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1 inch sweat connection low lead pressure regulating valve and filter combination
The FK06 DialSet Pressure Regulating Filter Combination is a high-quality pressure regulating valve and rinsable filter that maintains a constant outlet pressure over a wide range of inlet supply pressures and ensures a continuous supply of filtered water. It is suitable for potable water and irrigation applications. The downstream pressure adjustment dial eliminates the need for a pressure gauge when adjusting the pressure setting (static pressure only).
Sales/Promotional Materials-Sell Sheet for DS05, DS06, FK06 for Contractor (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-Sell Sheet for DS05, DS06, FK06 for Contractor (French)
Sales/Promotional Materials-FK06 DialSet Pressure Regulating Combination Sell Sheet (English)
Sales/Promotional Materials-FK06 DialSet Pressure Regulating Filter Combination (English) easel card
Sales/Promotional Materials-FK06 DialSet Pressure Regulating Combination Sell Sheet (French)
Sales/Promotional Materials-FK06 DialSet Pressure Regulating Combination Sell Sheet (Spanish)
Sales/Promotional Materials-FK06 DialSet Pressure Regulating Filter Combination (French) easel card
Sales/Promotional Materials-FK06 DialSet Pressure Regulating Filter Combination (Spanish) easel card
Product Data and Specifications-Submittal Sheet for FK06 DialSet® LOW LEAD PRESSURE REGULATING FILTER COMBINATION (English)
Installation Materials-Installation Instructions for FK06 DialSet Low Lead Pressure Regulating Filter Combination (English, French, Spanish)
Union kit for 1 in. DS06 and FK06 sweat valves. Includes union nut, sweat tailpiece, and gasket
Double ring wrench for removing filter bowl for FF06 and FK06 filters
Low-Lead pressure regulating valve replacement insert for 1 and 1-1/4 inch valves
Clear filter bowl for FF06 or FK06 1 inch or 1-1/4 inch
O-ring-set for carrier body for AS06-1C (pack of 10)
O-ring-set for 1 or 1-1/4 inch filter bowl (pack of 10) for FF06 or FK06
Replacement filter insert 50 micron for 1 and 1-1/4 inch filter